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Finance your business
in professional hands

Our Office is a team of accounting experts supported by the knowledge of accounting advisers, auditors, lawyers and personal advisers. We a partner of big, medium and small business entities, advising them in many areas of business activity.

We provide full service for companies with the taxation form such as: flat-rate, revenue and expense ledger, full accountancy. We provide our services in the Polish and English language.




Need valuation services?
Fill in the form:
*Nazwa firmy
*Rodzaj prowadzonej działalności
*Forma księgowości
*Liczba właścieli
*Liczba pracowników
*Ilość dokumentów w miesiącu
*Firma jest płatnikiem VAT
*Rozliczenia zagraniczne
*Telefon kontaktowy
*Adres e-mail
*Osoba do kontaktu
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